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Alfonso Espinosa Serrano


To Be Company 


Economist, Senior Ontological Coach and Bio-danza Master-teacher. His business proposals have a reputation for being disruptive. For thirteen years he dedicated himself to show business: he produced the shows of famous artists of the world scene.

In the first decade of the 21st century, he achieved notable managerial positions in Companies within Industrial, Commercial and Human Resources fields and Human Resources Companies, operating in several countries of the continent.

He has been dedicated to coaching since 2001. He has thousands of hours of experience in the field in which he specializes, where he has the ability to facilitate business processes. 


He has been able to generate a great impact (based on operational metrics) in the organizations with organizations he has worked with, which has contributed to his name recognition in the business market. He has also intervened in the alignment and resolution of Corporate and family conflicts.


He is currently Director of the TBC School of Ontological Coaching TBC, which specializes in Organizational Coaching Managers in the Art of Coaching.


He is recognized as a great speaker. He developed the Socrates Effect methodology, which embodies a simple and fast design for high impact public presentations.

He is also the creator of the Culturing method, which promotes the quick implementation of a culture sustained at high implementation of a culture based on high performance and teamwork.

He created the term “Living Metrics” and implemented its use to guide the conversations of work teams.

His own self-creation emotional model NEXOS, allows us to internalize the impact and links between the different emotions.

Co-author of the four books in the Be Coach collection (Language, Emotions, Method, and Body). His reading has allowed leaders and people who are looking for self-help tools, recognize the power and applicability of ontological coaching in everyday situations, to generate better work and family relationships, and to achieve high-impact business results. But above all, to manage their lives with balance and connected to joy.

He is founder, partner and CEO of To Be Company, which operates in several Latin American countries.

He is a true dream maker. Dreams are a matter to which he pays great attention.

AIC 2024 Presentation

AI Uncovered: A CIO's Journey into the Future of IT

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