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Kyle’s primary focus has been helping development teams be effective and enjoy their work. He has over twenty years of experience building Agile teams for software development or other technology delivery. Kyle has been with Insight for the last six years working in Agile coaching and training.


Additionally, he has held or practiced roles including Business Analyst, Quality Assurance, User

Experience Architect, Agile Manager, Project Manager, and Program Manager. Kyle has led Agile sessions at conferences including Southern Fried Agile in Charlotte, Agile Midwest in Saint Louis, TriAgile in Raleigh, Music City Tech in Nashville, CincyDeliver in Cincinnati, and Agile Arizona in Phoenix.

AIC 2023 Presentation

Portfolio Kanban to Enable Business Agility Across the Organization

In our work world today, there are many ideas of how people and teams become motivated. Organizations look for ways to incent people to put forth their best work often leading to begging, bribing, and berating their people. But how effective are those approaches? Why do some people put forth their best efforts, while many others save their best efforts for endeavors outside of work? What would it mean to our organizations if we had more people who are engaged and doing their best and most creative work?


In this session, we will examine research conducted in Industrial and Organizational Psychology to show the principles of how people and teams become self-motivated. We will examine the mechanics of how to create an environment that fosters people doing their best work. Managers, Team Leads, Project Managers, and anyone in an official or unofficial leadership role for people and teams may walk away challenged, but also equipped on how to improve the effectiveness of their leadership.

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